No more long and painful issue reporting process.

With Devign, you can discover, report, and share directly from your production screen under 5 seconds—hassle free.

Devign Manual - Set up

Install: Setting up Devign on your browser (1 min)

Integration: Connect Devign with your favorite tools (1 min)

Devign Manual - How to use

Reporting issues has never been easier

Dashboard: Your team library for bug reporting

Automatic spell checks for your design by visual AI ‘Lumos’ *Experiment (30 sec)

  1. Go to the live website you’d like to compare with your original design to.
  2. Open the experiment box and insert the Figma frame.
  3. Click ‘Check CSS’ button. If this is the first time running the check, you will have to log into Figma.
  4. Click ‘Check CSS’ button again to import Figma frame. ‘Lumos’ will automatically run checks on the current page.